Monday, June 6, 2011

WeStopHate is the Project Twelve Organization for June and July!

WeStopHate is an outstanding non-profit organization created by 17-year-old Emily-Anne Rigal, commonly known as "Schmiddlebopper" on YouTube and Twitter. Emily-Anne used to be bullied, but rather than letting it bring her down, EA made the incredible decision to turn something negative into a positive global movement to help raise teen-esteem.

As stated on, Our reason for focusing on teen-esteem is simple: Only when we see a rise in self-esteem, will we see a decline in bullying. This is because people who are happy with themselves won’t put others down. Stopping bullying means putting an end to the lifelong, painful consequences each victim suffers… and that creates a better world for us all.

Through the power of social media, such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, WeStopHate has already touched the lives of over 100,000 young people, myself included. Teens from around the world quickly joined the WSH movement by contributing empowering YouTube videos, and rockin' the famous WeStopHate wrist bands (thousands have already been sold!)

On YouTube, the WSH channel is the 28th Most Subscribed YouTube NonProfit Channel with 350,000 views.  On Twitter, @WeStopHate has nearly 3,000 followers. Founder Emily-Anne tweets as @Schmiddlebopper and she also has a large amount of followers who love to read her inspirational tweets. If you're not already subscribing to the Schimddlebopper and WeStopHate YouTube channels, or following them on Twitter, then I highly suggest you do so. You do NOT want to miss out on Emily-Anne's incredible daily doses of inspiration.

Be sure to join the WeStopHate movement by purchasing a wristband or t-shirt (I have two wristbands and I LOVE them!) and by connecting through social media.

I am so honored to be part of this INCREDIBLE generation of young people like Emily-Anne and the WeStopHate family. Together, this generation will put an end to bullying, build self-esteem, and ultimately stop hate and spread love and empowerment! Way to go, Emily-Anne! Keep up the AMAZING work. I'm so glad Live High on Life is supporting WeStopHate for June and July!

p.s.- Emily-Anne contributed to Live High on Life for Teens! Go to page 70 in the book to check out a special message from her :)

So don't forget to order your copy of Live High on Life so you can help support this awesome organization! Remember, with every order, you'll also receive a FREE copy of Success For Teens with your order.

Keep dreaming big!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Project Twelve Organization of the Month for May is Teach for America!

I've wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. As an education major in college, I fully understand the importance of an enriching education, and I also fully understand that each and every child deserves the opportunity to learn. Learning can't happen without great teachers. Teach for America was founded in 1990 by college senior, Wendy Kopp.  TFA is the "one of the nation's largest providers of teachers for low-income communities, and [has] been recognized for building a pipeline of leaders committed to educational equity and excellence." In order for  youth and teens to grow into confident, successful young adults, we need a nation of excellent teachers. Teach for America is making a difference, and I'm proud to support them this month!

To learn more about Teach for America, visit Remember, with every book or product purchased for, you're supporting Project Twelve :)

Keep dreaming big!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Roots & Shoots is Live High on Life's Project Twelve Organization of the Month for April

Hey everyone!

In honor of Earth Day on April 22, Live High on Life is supporting Roots and Shoots, an organization that educates and inspires youth and teens to respect and protect the environment! Created by Jane Goodall in 1991, it is a central program of the Jane Goodall Institute, and their mission statement is "To foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment."

Youth and teens get involved with Roots and Shoots through service projects, campaigns, and the power of the Internet. Reaching over 120 countries around the globe, Roots and Shoots fulfills Jane Goodall's vision to empower young people to take action and be the change for their generation. Teens are able to create their own events and projects to support Roots and Shoots and they are certainly making a difference. To find a Roots and Shoots group near you, visit, or you can start your own and encourage friends and family to join you!

To learn more about Roots & Shoots, watch the video below:

It's important to respect and protect our beautiful earth! Treat every single day like Earth Day. For tips and info about taking care of the environment and being a "Green-Teen," check out Chapter 10 in Live High on Life for Teens. Remember, for every book sold during the month of April, YOU are helping to support Roots and Shoots and their mission to empower teens to take action for our planet!

To order Live High on Life for Teens, visit and receive a FREE gift! 

Keep Dreaming BIG!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Live High on Life™ celebrates International Women's Day and supports Girl Up for the Project Twelve Foundation of the Month!

Hey everyone!

Were you one of the many people who celebrated the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8th? If you dont already know about it, I'll give you a little bit of info. The idea for International Women's Day came from a woman named Clara Zetkin, who was a leader of the 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in Germany. She wanted to designate a day where, in every country, women would be celebrated. During a conference with 100 women from 17 countries, the idea for International Women's Day was something that everyone there agreed upon, and the very first official IWD was honored in 1911. On March 8th, we celebrated the 100th Anniversary, which is very exciting and empowering!

To help honor International Women's Day and all the girls in the world, Live High on Life is proud to support Girl Up for the month of March. "Girl Up, a campaign of the United Nations Foundation, gives American girls the opportunity to channel their energy and compassion to raise awareness and funds for programs of the United Nations that help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls. Through Girl Up'’s support, girls have the opportunity to become educated, healthy, safe, counted, and positioned to be the next generation of leaders." -Quoted text from

There are several ways to get involved with this incredible foundation. One way that everyone can help is by watching the video below and sharing it with friends to spread the word about Girl Up.

You can also "Give a High Five," which consists of five steps to take to help girls in developing countries:

1. Take 5 minutes to learn about the issues impacting girls in developing countries.
2.Share 5 facts about girls and the campaign through social networking
3. Send the Girlafesto (an awesome poem) to 5 friends and family members, asking them to help support Girl Up
4. Donate $5 or more to provide school supplies, health check-ups, and more
5. Host a Girl Up fundraiser in your school, club, or community

So what are you waiting for?! Get involved and make a difference :)
With every copy of Live High on Life for Teens that you purchase in March, you're helping to support Girl Up! To learn more, visit

Thanks for stopping by! And remember, even though January is over, Live High on Life™ is still supporting the SUCCESS Foundation. When you order your copy of Live High on Life from, you'll receive a FREE copy of Success for Teens!

Keep dreaming big!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Project Twelve's Organization of the Month for February is

Hey everyone!
I'm excited to announce Live High on Life's Project Twelve Organization of the Month for February! In honor of National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, Live High on Life is supporting

Managed by the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH), this incredible website provides valuable and informative resources for teens, parents, friends and family, and Peer Advocates. It is a national 24-hour resource that can be accessed by phone or the Internet, specifically designed for teens and young adults. Their teen Helpline offers real-time one-on-one support from trained Peer Advocates. I'm excited about supporting this wonderful organization to help spread awareness of Teen Dating Violence and what we can do to prevent it.

To learn more about Teen Dating Violence, check out this video from

You can also follow loveisrespect and Love Is Not Abuse on Twitter! Just click on the links below:

Thanks for stopping by! And remember, even though January is over, Live High on Life™ is still supporting the SUCCESS Foundation. When you order your copy of Live High on Life from, you'll receive a FREE copy of Success for Teens!

Keep dreaming big!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Contribution to the February Issue of SUCCESS Magazine!

Hey everyone!

I'd just like to let you know about an awesome article in the February issue of SUCCESS, a very well-known and prestigious magazine. I was interviewed by the amazing Erin Casey about Live High on Life and shared some advice from the book about teen relationships.

I was really excited when I first opened up the magazine
and saw my pic in the Table of Contents!

When I found out that I was going to be in the magazine, I was so excited! I used to think, "Wow- it would be such an honor to be in a magazine like SUCCESS someday!" And it actually happened. Live High on Life has only been out for two months, so I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to such an incredible magazine so early on in my LHOL journey.  

The  article, Leading and Letting Go, by Erin Casey, provides tips for parents on how to help their teens make good decisions when it comes to relationships. You can find a copy of SUCCESS Magazine wherever fine magazines are sold :) If you'd like to read it online, you can do that too! Just click here!

Keep Dreaming Big!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Live High on Life Guest Blog Launches New Youth Section on

Hey everyone!

If you're not already familiar with Adios Barbie, I'd like to tell you a little bit about it. is the "body image site for every body." Their mission is to "promote healthy body image and self-image for people of all cultures and sizes." The site is packed full of advice and inspiration to remind us that we're all beautiful just the way we are! I am very excited about being the first guest blogger for the new Youth section of the site. My post, "Self-Esteem Boosting Tips for Teens" includes tips directly from Loving Yourself First, the first chapter in Live High on Life. Be sure to check out the Adios Barbie site and new Youth section here! Feel free to leave comments here or on the Adios Barbie site and let me know what you think.

For more tips on how to truly love yourself and raise your self-esteem, buy your copy of Live High on Life for Teens, available at, Amazon, Barnes &, and bookstores. Right now, when you order a copy of Live High on Life from, you'll receive a FREE copy of Success for Teens! Click here to find out more.

Keep dreaming big!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Live High on Life™ gives back with Project Twelve!

Hey everyone!

Happy New Year! I hope 2011 is off to a wonderful start for all of you. In celebration of the new year, I am very excited to annouce Live High on Life's new program, Project Twelve.

So what exactly is Project Twelve? Live High on Life™ strives to help every teen live the life they've imagined. But not all teens are provided with the resources needed to life full of happiness and success, which is why we've decided to give back!

Each month, Live High on Life™ will be supporting a different charity, organization, or foundation whose mission is to help youth, teens or young adults. With every book or product purchased through, a portion of our profit goes directly to the organization, charity, or foundation of the month!

For January 2011, we are supporting the SUCCESS Foundation. To learn more about their mission, and to recieve a FREE copy of SUCCESS for Teens with your order of Live High on Life, visit 

Keep dreaming big!